25 Things About Starting a Business
Nov 09, 20181. Quotes, meetings, invoices, taxes and collecting payments are over half the job.
2. Read your contracts, NDAs and get them signed, religiously.
3. Your customers and clients are the heroes, you are the guide and problem solver.
4. Never start a project without a contract.
5. Charge 50% or more up front every time.
6. Even your best friend or favorite client will not pay you on time, sometimes.
7. 30 min is more than enough for “can I run something by you.”
8. Be your own project manager.
9. Always be learning, growing and evolving.
10. Never promise something the next day.
11. Run your brand like you run a client project.
12. Your brand is your calling card - dress, speak, act appropriately and be on time.
13. Get a lawyer and have them know you and your business.
14. Learn and know how to handle your finances and cash flow.
15. Ask for the raise, ask for more than you think you are worth.
16. Don’t expect anyone else to work as hard as you do, even when paid well.
17. Build your alliances and allies fiercely.
18. Don’t let anyone push you to quit when you deserve to be there.
19. Never shit where you eat.
20. That cool name was probably thought of by someone else, do your research.
21. Focus on helping people, not the money.
22. Build relationships — one person at a time.
23. Automate, optimize and hire people smarter than you for the things you don’t like doing.
24. Know your exit strategy.
25. Define your passion and go for it, redefine as needed.
Bonus round: it's not work if you love what you do.
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